Most Recent Additions*


Using Fibonacci sequence in Nature
Muhammad Hassan Hamid Al-Sultani


Legendre Collocatıon for Sıx Order Boundary Value Problems
Taiye Oyedepo, Abayomi Ayotunde Ayoade, Ganiyu Ajileye, and Rajiniganth Pandurangan


Phytochemicals, Nutritional and Antibacterial Evaluation of a Domestic Plant –Tetradenia riparia
Akens Hamilton-Amachree, Dorcas A. Fadare, Ngozi M. Uzoekwe, and Ikechukwu P. Ejidike


Preliminary Phytochemistry, In-vitro Antioxidant and Reducing Effect of Intraocular Pressure of Pleurotus tuber-regium (Fr) Sing Using Animal Model
Stella Ejuvwevwokoghene Odjimogho, Faustina K. Idu, MacDonald Idu, Sunny Emoefe Odjimogho, Ann Theresa Akaeze, and Benjamin Ogunma Gabriel

*Updated as of 02/05/25.