
Review Process

  1. At first, the article will be reviewed by the editorial team. When the article will be accepted for review, a similarity check will be checked by iThenticate. The similarity percentage should not exceed 20%, where references are not taken into consideration.
  2. Editor in Chief will preliminary consider submitted manuscripts, and assign them to appropriate section editors.
  3. The section editor will omit the names of the Authors and then send it to three reviewers in the same field.
  4. The reviewers will create a report (analysis, comments, correcting).
  5. If the articles received minor or major revisions. The paper will be sent to the corresponding author to review the article according to the reviewer's comments.
  6. When the journal receives the revised article. The article will be sent to reviewers for evaluation.
  7. The author will be notified once the article is accepted, and then an accepted certificate will be submitted to the corresponding author.