Volume 26, Number 1 (2021)
Harmonic Multivalent Functions Defined by General Integral Operator
Mays S. Abdul Ameer, Abdul Rahman S. Juma, and Raheam A. Al-Saphory
A Combination of the Orthogonal Polynomials with Least –Squares Method for Solving High-Orders Fredholm-Volterra Integro-Differential Equations
Hameeda Oda Al-Humedi and Ahsan Fayez Shoushan
On Some Properties of Pell Polynomials
Semaa Hassan Aziz, Suha SHIHAB, and Mohammed RASHEED
Some Results on a Two Variables Pell Polynomials
Mohammed Abdulhadi Sarhan, Suha SHIHAB, and Mohammed RASHEED
Raad Awad Hameed, Wafaa M. Taha, and Sarah Majeed Talab
Using Artificial Neural Network Model to Prediction the Number of Peoples Afflicted by the Epidemic of (COVID-19) in Iraq
Mohammed Habeb Al-Sharoot and Noor Chyad Alisawi
Exponential Acceleration To Improve Simpson's 3/8-rule
Salah Mahdi Aflook and Adil Al-Rammahi
On Fuzzy Soft Projection Operators In Hilbert Space
Dr.Salim Dawood and Ali Qassim Jabur
On n-Convergence of Filters
Raad Aziz Hussain Al-Abdulla
Stochastic Model of the Absorption of Drugs Problemin the Cells and Organs
Sajjad Abd-Al Hussein Haddad Alkhaldy and Ihsan Jabbar Kadhim
Two Step and Newton-Raphson Algorithms in the Extraction for the Parameters of Solar Cell
Mohammed RASHEED, Suha SHIHAB, and Taha RASHID
Intestinal Escherichia coliand Cutaneous Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial Contamination of the Operation Lounges in Al-Diwaniyah Province Hospitals
Salwan A. Abdulsahib, Fallah H. Abdullatef, Bassim M. Al-Khafaji, Bassim M. Al-Khafaji, Anwar H. Jawad, and Qassim J. Talib
Detection Of Some Virulence Enzymes Of Malasseziaspp. Isolated From Patients Of Pityriasis Versicolor And Their Sensitivity To Some Antifungal Agents
Abeer T. NOOR and Ali A. Alsudani
Seroprevalence and Risk factors of Toxoplasma gondiiamong children in Al-Qadisiyah Province –Iraq
Musafer H. Al-Ardi
Synthesis and Diagnosis New Metallotropic LCs from Organotin (IV) Complex
Alaa Adnan Rashad, Hamsa Thamer, Alaa Mohammed, Mohammed H. Al-Mashhadani, Ali H. Jawad, and Emad Yousif
Studying The Possibility Of a New AZO Dye On Raw Fabric Surface And The Methodsof Dying Process
Noor Mustafa Kamal and Hana Khazal Abed Al-Ghreeb
Applying Many Of The Methods To Synchronization Of Chaoson The Electronic Circuit Chaotic From Type Memductance
Abo-Talib Y. Abbas
Eye Diseases Classification Using Back Propagation With Parabola Learning Rate
Hanaa M. Ahmed and Shrooq R. Hameed
True Random Number Generator Based on nondeterministic Device and Multi dimension Chaos Theory
Shireen Sabeeh, Alaa Kadhim, and Ayad Al-Adhami
Eye Diseases Classification Using Back Propagation with Welch Estimation Based-Learning Rate
Hanaa M. Ahmed and Shrooq R. Hameed
Investigation Of The Proportions Of Some Chemical Components Of Fish From Al-Haffar Drainage
Zahraa Kamil Shatti and Haidar Mashkoor Hussein