Volume 26, Number 4 (2021)
Serodiagnosis Of Toxoplasmosis By Using ELISA And IgG Avidity Test In Relation To Some Risk Factors Among Women at Childbearing Agein Zakho City, Duhok Province/Iraq.
Sarwin S. M. Mizuri and Wijdan M. S. Mero
Review On Elucidation Of The Risk Factors Associated With The Prevalence Of Coccidiosis In Buffaloes
Zainab A. Makawi
Cyclic Partition For The Groups Of PSL(2,41) And PSL(2,43)
Noor Alhuda Samir Salem and Niran Sabah Jasim
Accounts For The Groups SL(2,U), U = 41 and 43
Sherouk Awad Khalaf and Niran Sabah Jasim
Synthesis Of Fused Dihydrobenzo [4,5] Imidazo [1,2-a] Pyrmido [5,4-e] Pyrmidin-3 (4H)-amine Derivatives
Fadhel R. Hafedh, Hamid H. Mohammed, and Zainab N. Mageed
Applying Some Indices For Soil Pollution Assessment In Northern Industrial Area From Erbil Governorate
Nashmeel Saeed Khudhur, Sidra Qubad Yassin, Ahmed Saman Hassan, and Mortatha Nawzad Omar
Synthesis, Characterization Of Thiazolidin-4-one, Oxazolidin-4-one And Imidazolidin-4-one Derivatives From 6-Amino-1, 3-dimethyluraciland Evaluation Of Their Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Agent
Huda Jamal Al-Adhami and Suaad M. H. Al-Majidi
Screening Of Rabies Among Dogs In Kelantan Using Direct Fluorescence Antibody Test (DFAT)
Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultan, Fawzia Jassim Shalsh, Abdul Rahman Bin Aziz, and Salahudeen Muhamad
Fermentation Processes By Meyerozyma Guilliermondii And Saccharomyces Cerevisiae For Co-production Of Xylitol And Bioethanol Co-Production
Fawzia Jassim Shalsh, Dhoha Kadeem Nagimm, Nagham Abdul Alrazzaq, Muhammad Abdul Alrheem, and Saffa Abdul Alrheem
Studying Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels In Some Types Of Fish In Salah Al-Din Governorate
Nuha H. Albassam, Faroq M. Al Habib, and Saddam M. Hassan
Invariants Of Uniform Conjugacy On Uniform Dynamical System
Alaa Saeed Abboud and Ihsan Jabbar Khadim
Grape Seed Extract Role Against L-Thyroxine Effects On Thyroid Gland And Lipid Profile
Ahmed J. Al-Naely and Dalal Turki Shattnan
Effect Of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles On Growth And Biochemical Content Of Blue-green Alga Wollea Salina
Haider A. Alghanmi and Zahra K.M. Al-Khazali
Study Of Some Histopathological Changes Occurring In White Laboratory Mice Infected With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis In Al –diwaniyah Province, Iraq.
Lubna Abd Al-Qader Al-Ibrahimi, Hind Al-Shabani, and Marwa Sami Alwan
Molecular Detection Of Some Capsulargenes Of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated From Clinical Samples
Amina A. Raheem and Ghaidaa J. Mohammed
Study The Levels Of Cytokines (IL-12,IFN-γ) And Human Proflin-1 (PFN-1) In The Sera Of Aborted Women With Toxoplasmosis And Healthy Women (non-pregnant and pregnant women)
Hadeel S. Hadi, Raad A. Kadhim, and Raheem T.O. Al-Mammori
Biochemical Assessment As Markers For Diagnosis And Evaluation Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Moatasem Al-Salih, Riyad Edan Abed, and Syakirah Samsudin
A Quasi-Hilbert Space And Its Properties
Jawad Kadhim Al-Delfi
Evaluation Of The Antibacterial Activity Of Citrullus Colocynthis Extracts(In vitro study)
Hayder Yousif Falih, Zahraa F. Shaker, and Hayder Hamed Abed
Solving Riccati Type q−Difference Equations via Difference Transform Method
Ahmed Y. Abdulmajeed and Ayad R. Khudair
Study The Anti –Inflammatory Effect Of Stevia Rebaudiana Sweetnessin Vitro
Meison Abdulbary, Suaad Lateef Ibrahim, Albasheer Ammar, Muhanad Mohammed, and Wafaa Yousif
Concentrations Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) In Phragmites Australisof Shatt AL-Arab River, Basrah Governorate South of Iraq
Rafid Ahmed Al-Zabad, Ayad H. Al-Khafaji, and Hamid T. Al-Saad
Detection Of Some Virulence Factors Of Fungi Caused Otomycosis Isolated From Some Hospitals And Clinics In Mosul/Iraq
Nabeel Taha Younes, Muhammed A. Al-Kataan, and Maha A. Al-Rejaboo
The Environmental Impact Assessment Of The Spent Engine Oil Recycling Plant By Using Leopold Matrix: Case Study Recycling Plant In Al-Diwaniyah City –Iraq
Mukhtar Dhajir Abbas and Mohammed K. Al-Kasser
Spectrophotometric Determination Of Valsartan In Pure Form And In Its Pharmaceutical Preparations
Ruwaida Farman Salih and Qabas Naji Rashid
Phytoremediation Of a Polluted Soil by Purple Plant (Tradescantia pallidaL.) Under Different Organic Amendments
Nashmeel Saeed Khudhur, Samar Sirwan Ali, and Sazan Sirwan Yassin
Traditional Medicinal Plants Used For The Treatment Of Cancer In Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Isah Labaran, Mahmoud Dogara Abdulrahman, Saber W. Hamad, Abu Bakar Abdullahi Lema, and Bello Hassan Jakada
Prevalence Of Epstain–Bar Virus Among Patients With Periodontitis In Al–Najaf Al–Ashraf / Iraq
Alaa Shahid Jassim Al-Bdery and Ahlam Kadhum Al-Yasseen
Design A Multi Biometric System for Safe Access to Buildings
Shaymaa M. Hamandi, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, and Rehab F. Hassan
On ⏀-Prime Submodules
Ismael Akray
strongly N-extending Strongly N-extending Modules
Saad Abdulkadhim Al-Saad and Darya Jaber Abdul-kareem
Synthesis , Identification And Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity For Some New Heterocyclic Derivatives From 4-Methoxy-2-Nitroaniline
Sabah Matrood Mezaal and Shaimaa Adnan
Influence Of Temperature And Concentration On MHD Oscillatory Flow For Bingham Fluid With Variable Viscosity Through an Inclined Channel
Safaa N. Mohammed and Dheia G. Salih Al-Khafajy
Radiation And Mass Transfer Effects On Inclined MHD Oscillatory Flow for Prandtl-Eyring Fluid through a Porous Channel
Dheia G. Salih Al-Khafajy and Wedyan Abed Muhi Al-Kaabi
Synthesis And Characterization ( Oxazepine , Thiazine and Quinazoline ) Derivatives And Study The Biological Activity As Antibacterial
Adel Jasim and Shaimaa Adnan
D^(**)〗^μ -Closed Set in Supra topological Spaces
Bushra Jaralla Tawfeeq
Effect Of The Type Of Organic Matter And a Source Of Phosphorous On The Growth, Yield Of Corn (Zea maysL.) Under Different Levels From Phosphorous In Gypsum Soil
Noor Al-Dean Mohammed Muhawish and Nashmi Ahmed Hilal
Pairwise Lower Separation Axioms in ̌ech Fuzzy Soft Bi-Closure Spaces
Mohamad Th. Hmood and R. N. Majeed
The First Recording Of The Wilt Of The Hendersonian Brancheson The Ficus sp (Ficus) In Iraq And Its Bio-Control
Fadel Hassan Yasin and Muqdad Salih Jasim
Enhance The Gas-Sensing Performances Of Graphene Oxide (GO) Thin Films For Detecting Nitrogen Dioxide Gas
Ali Madlol Al-Jawdah, Rathyeah Al-Jarah, Mohsin Al-Khaykanee, and Mirjam Skof
Human Motion Prediction Using Wavelet Transform
Wafaa Shihab Ahmed and Abdulamir A. Karim
A New Class of Harmonic Univalent Functions of the Salagean Type
Mustafa I. Hameed and Buthyna Najad Shihab
Magnetohydrodynamics Peristaltic Flow of a Couple-Stress with Varying Temperature and concentrationfor Jeffrey Fluid through a Flexible Porous Medium
Saif Razzaq Mohsion Al-Waily and Dheia G. Salih Al-Khafajy
On (p,q)-Starlike Harmonic Functions Defined By Subordination
Sibel Yalçın and Hasan Bayram
Globally Null-Controllability and Complete stabilizability for Perturbed Linear Time-Varying System in Real Composition of Hilbert Spaces
Haitham M. Hussein Al-Ghraby, Radhi A. Zaboon, and Naseif J. Jawari
Sphingomonas Paucimobilis Bacteria Isolation From Different Clinical Samples Of a Nosocomial Infection In Erbil City
Allaa M. Ahmed, Fattma A. Ali, Susan F. Kh. Al-Sudani, Payam A. Othman, Bnar H. Nuri, Bahra H. M. Ali, and Haneen A. Hameed
Hide Secret Script Encryption in Video Frames Based on Magic Square
Maisa'a Abid Khodher
The Arbitrage In Securities Market Model And Some There Properties
Adel Murtda Khutter and Noori F. Al-Mayahi
A Comparison Between Odd Magic Squares Use In Cryptographic Algorithms
Ibrahim Malik Alatta and Abdul Monem S. Rahma